Get to know your Senior class president of 2025

Senior president Callie Ritter. (Photo: Maitri Rane, The Puma Prensa)

By Maitri Rane, Centerspread editor

The clown enthusiastic Callie Ritter, has been elected senior class president for next year. Here are a few things you might want to know about her, besides the fact she loves clowns. Callie has been successful as a freshman class president, sophomore class president, and a current ASB treasurer. “For me leadership is all about team effort. Within our committees, it is important to communicate and delegate tasks in a way that caters to people's strengths and interests. Also being comfortable to ask for help and flexible to assist others. Also always acknowledging that mistakes are going to be made and that it’s okay,” she said. Callie wishes to continue past senior traditions like senior week and senior trip but is also willing to hear feedback and wishes for any changes from the senior class. It is extremely important for her to get senior feedback because she will be representing the senior class. She hopes to help increase club voices or even individual platforms as they aim to spread awareness and improve any issues on the MCHS campus. Some values Callie has in life are balance, communication, and inclusivity. “For balance its like making sure to not over do it and rewarding yourself when you did a good job and I can talk about the importance of communication for so long because it helps makes things sm easier and creates a lot more understanding and inclusivity is just overall important cause we all deserve to have a good time and follow what we want to.” she explained. “Last year I was placed in charge of running the Wellness Festival and I am in charge of it again this year,” she said. This experience demonstrates her ability to collaborate and work effectively with diverse individuals. One of the plans Callie has in mind would enhance the communication between the class, “I want to maintain consistent advertising as a way to communicate upcoming events and increase the use of Google Forms as a way for students to have more say or give feedback on school events to make them better”.

 Outside of school, Callie loves roller skating and cosmetology. She also enjoys “ exploring forests, cafes or just any short day trips to new locations,” she stated. “I love volunteering and I tutor weekly, and I am the co-president of the sex-ed club so I love working for the club as well,” she said. Based on Callie’s past experiences in the ASB community, she thinks she would be a great senior president and will make sure the last year of the class of 2025 is memorable. 


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